Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Live blogging the Obama debate watch party at Schimmels

7:30: I just arrived at Schimmels. Schimmels is right around the corner from my house in Fondren, making this very easy. Schimmels is a very nice place, and very close to my house, but out of my price range for a regular visit. I arrived a half hour early and the crowd is pretty thin. There are two other debate watch parties in town tonight and this room is small, but it still small crowd of around 30 at this point.

7:50 My opinion is that it is going to be tough for either candidate to go negative. This economic mess has the country scared to death. Gallup registered the highest number ever for the economy being the most important issue to voters. The stock market is not doing Senator McCain any favors, keeping the debate focused like a laser on the economy.

8:00 And we are off... Town House format as my dad said tonight. Actually it is Town Hall but you get the idea.

8:02: First question is about how to get the regular guy out of this economic mess the fastest. Obama hammers the deregulation point tying McCain and Bush to the failed economy. Barack calls for a middle class tax cuts and tighter regulation. Long term he calls for fixing our energy and health care policies. McCain comes out with an emotional tone. he says he has a plan, keep taxes low, energy independence and a package of reforms.

8:10 Obama again repeats that he is giving a tax cut to 95% of working Americans,

8:11: Nest question is about how the bailout will help middle America. McCain brags about going to Washington to help (do nothing). Now he just told the black questioner that he had probably heard of Freddie Mac or Fannie Mae before this crisis. He then blames Obama for getting contributions for Fannie Mae. Obama begins by ignoring McCain and explaining why the credit crunch effects people on the street. He now turns to McCain and blames him for deregulation. Obama pulls the Rick Davis - Fannie Mae card.

8:19: Next question is how can we trust either party when you both screwed up. Barack runs through the meat and potato stats about the deficit, debt, Bush etc... McCain claims to have been a consistent reformer. McCain goes back to his tried and true earmarks and pork rally. Also says we need to drill and more nuclear policy. At least he does not say nuclear like Bush.

8:28: Next question, what sacrifices should Americans be asked? McCain says that there are some programs must be eliminated. He talks about earmarks again (1% of the fed budget). Obama begins by remembering the sacrifices of 9/11. He then talks about the opportunity missed by Bush when he asked everyone to go shopping. Pivots to energy policy. He then talks about how we as citizens can make a difference. Sounded a little Carter-esque.

8:38 Next question is on entitlements and how to fix SSN. Obama fires at McCain on taxes. McCain keeps trying to scare voters by misleading them on Obama's tax plan. Obama lays his bull to waste. McCain has a plan to fix SS. He just won't tell us what it is.

8:42 Next question is about what congress can do about climate change. McCain says he disagreed from the bush admin on climate change. He then goes into a nuclear power spill. Obama talks of creating a new energy economy.

8:49 Next question is do you believe health care should be treated as a commodity. Obama explains that under his plan you will not be force into a government plan. If you do not like you current plan you can join Obama-care. He then lays out the slight-of-hand that John Mccain is pulling on his tax credit. McCain will raise the taxes on your employer based plan, which the chamber of commerce said would end employer based health care. But he gives you a $5,000 tax credit.

9:00 Next question, how will the recession effect our ability to help keep peace in the world. I am not even sure I understand McCain's cryptic response other than he knows more than Obama. Obama says he is right he does not understand some things as McCain suggests. He does not understand how we could invade a country that posed no threat to us.

9:08 I just has a country clubber sit at my table who is cheering loudly for John McCain. She is really stirring the pot.

9:16 The candidates really mix it up on foreign policy. Rules are out. Obama nails McCain for his walk softly big stick spill. McCain explains that he knows what it means to send men into harms way. McCain is hanging on the surge point.

9:23 Is Russia the evil empire? Both candidates deflect.

9:25 The rich white lady who is a McCain fan keeps calling Obama a socialist in my section. What an idiot.

9:30 Party over

Final thoughts: We shall see what the snap polls say, but I think Obama won the debate easily. John McCain is in a tough position trying to defend failed policies.

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