Sunday, November 18, 2007

He, Not Chuck Norris, Will Win The Iowa Caucus

Republican Governor Mike Huckabee will win the Iowa Caucus. He hasn't yet spent any money on television advertisements and is currently 2nd in the Republican polls and rising.

Chuck Norris is a partisan Republican (if you didn't know) and has lent his face and voice to several Republicans over the past few years including the current Republican governor of Texas.


  1. He is also an idiot Young Earth Creationist btw, but so is Huckabee.

  2. Giuliani just recently ran his first TV ads, though he's been doing quite well in the national polls.

    I'm not so sure that Huckabee (who hasn't been governor since January) will defeat Mitt Romney in Iowa.

    Yes, Texas Gov. Rick Perry had Chuck Norris's backing, but Kinky Friedman had Willie Nelson's.

    Free Citizen

  3. Love this ad!

    Re Huckabee, I wouldn't want any Republican candidate to be president next year but Huckabee strikes me as more of a good egg than his opponents. If he got nominated, he would probably stand a better chance of winning the general election, despite his views, than any of his primary opponents.

    Fortunately, Republican voters--much like Democratic voters--will underestimate the public's willingness to vote for likable candidates they don't necessarily agree with on every issue, and nominate the more "electable" candidate. Just as there were folks who dated Dean but married Kerry, there are going to be a lot of folks who date Huckabee but marry Giuliani or Romney.

  4. I fear a Huckabee presidency would only be a continuation of the supposedly "compassionate conservative" presidency of George W. Bush.

    He seems like a likable enough guy, but I'd prefer someone who will get us out of Iraq and make some courageous decisions for workers.

  5. Huckabee's best shot, in my view, is for the No. 2 spot on the ticket. At this point, Romney-- who Dick Morris says is unelectable-- appears to be best positioned to win the presidential nomination.

    George W., who makes Lyndon Johnson look like a piker, is the biggest spending president since World War II. There's nothing "compassionate" or "conservative" about spending us into oblivion.

  6. They sound the same and use similar themes.

    I think Romney has peaked in support and will drop.

    Huckabee will continue to rise and his supporters will stay through the cacuses (in my prediction).

    Of course as I'm fond of saying "I've been wrong before."

  7. Romney's already strong in New Hampshire, and if he wins in Iowa, it will be "off to the races" for him.

    If Huckabee is still viable by the time of the South Carolina primary, he may have a chance. But regardless of the Iowa outcome, I don't see a Baptist minister doing well in the secular state of New Hampshire. And Romney, of course, has tons of cash.

    In 1988, Pat Robertson finished second in Iowa-- ahead of Vice President Bush-- and then bombed in New Hampshire.

    Independents can vote in the New Hampshire primaries, and it will be interesting to see whether most of them pick the Democratic or the Republican primary.

  8. John, I'd be careful about publicly saying Chuck Norris won't win something.

