Friday, September 12, 2008

Clarion Ledger has copy of questionable ballot

Follow this link to the Clarion Ledger to view a sample ballot that lists the special election at the bottom of the ballot.

Sample Ballot

According to an article in this morning's Clarion Ledger, AG Jim Hood asserts that all 82 county election commissioners are required by law to list the disputed race near the top of the ballot. Attorney's representing the Secretary of State and Governor claim that historical precedence allows them to place the race on the ballot below the general elections. Hood contends that while that may have been true in the past, the law changed in 2000.

A ruling by Hinds County Circuit Court Judge Tommie Green is expected today. Don't expect that to be the end of it however. Barbour and Hosemann are prepared to appeal to the state's highest court if they don't like the decision. The idea of this being brought in front of a federal court has been tossed around as well.


  1. Amazing to what lengths people will go to win. There is no such thing as fair play in MS politics.

  2. I think you could remove MS from your last sentence.
