Monday, September 29, 2008

Roger Wicker voted against main street bailout

As our leaders in Washington gather to formulate a plan to bail out Wall Street, just a week ago they had an opportunity to help bail out main street. The House passed a $61 billion "bailout" bill that would provide those feeling the business end of our economic recession.

From Market Watch:

Last week, the House of Representatives passed a $61 billion package to aid working families and stimulate the economy that included investment in American infrastructure, increased aid to workers in the form of unemployment and food stamp benefits, home heating assistance, and Medicaid funding to cash-strapped states. Republican Senators however, blocked the bill

This once again shows who Roger wicker is in Washington for. If you are hurting, your job has relocated to China, your fuel costs are up, and you can't find a job in this Bush economy, then you mean nothing to Roger Wicker. How many people in north Mississippi fit this profile, where unemployment has crested above 10%?

"Americans are fed up with politicians who are more concerned about the fate of Wall Street than the fate of Main Street," said SEIU President Andy Stern. "We are going to make sure voters know which Senators turned their back on laid-off workers, funding for health care, and energy assistance for low-income people in their communities. We have to address the underlying economic crisis affecting working people if we want revive and rebuild our economy over the long-term."

1 comment:

  1. I see that Cottonmouth is for the bailout and bailout is just what it is. This blog shows just how much it’s out of touch with Mississippians. I wish they would do a poll to show how Mississippians feel about the bailout. You would find an overwhelming majority against any type of Government funded relief for Wall Street at the taxpayers’ expense. Who cares what Market Watch says; at this point it doesn’t matter. Where was Market Watch or any Wall Street publication that told us to watch out for these entities and their irresponsibility with their subprime mortgages? So, for you to cite Market Watch is like citing the Jackson Free Press for prolife argument. The SEC is just as much to blame as any and the blame can go full circle, but the people like Barney Frank need to be brought out and sent to jail along with many others. It was Barney who said in 2003 Freddie and Fannie were in good shape and no problems to report. Why should he say any different, since the big bucks were influencing his confidence? Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are the retirement homes for Democrat leadership; making 6 figures and sitting high on the hog is not a bad gig. Those fine leaders ran them into the ground and the irony of it all is they screwed the middle class folks they represented. The same folks who put their trust in these scumbags got screwed by them in the end and that’s as sad as it gets.

    Now, let’s talk about Roger. As much as this blog and Musgrove talks about the out of control spending in Washington; you both should thank Roger and the both Democrats and Republicans in the Senate for not spending more by voting against this bill. This package is just more spending of taxpayer money by extending welfare programs and unemployment benefits. With the economy in limbo and with the spending we’ve already accumulated, more spending is not the answer. Giving people funding in forms of taxpayer handouts for hard times does not stimulate anyone or the economy.

    Now, let’s talk about you Jeff. I see that John has gone to bigger and better things and it shows in the blog and it’s sad. I’ve given you a fare chance since you took this over. I don’t know if you have noticed or cared, but since you’ve taken Cottonmouth by storm, the blog is like a graveyard. No one seems to care anymore and when you flip flop, your credibility becomes even more questionable. Your posts are mostly crap and opinionated and you need to recapture the audience that John once had. Unfortunately this is my last post on Cottonmouth. There are bigger issues in our state and country to express my opinion on and Cottonmouth has taken a turn for the worse. Maybe you can do something to “Bailout” your once in touch and entertaining blog. Take care.
