Friday, April 18, 2008

Childers endorsed in Daily Journal

The Northeast Mississippi Daily Journal endorsed Travis Childers this morning, with some harsh words about Davis and the negative campaigning he has produced.

Below is part of the endorsement:

Davis unfortunately continues in the special election the same timbre of intensely negative campaigning he used against McCullough in the Republican primary. While negative campaigning crafted by cynical political professionals has sadly become commonplace in elections today, Davis - with assistance in the special election campaign from the National Republican Congressional Committee - has focused on distortions of his opponents' records and attacks on their personal integrity that are beyond the muddied norm.

This is precisely the kind of scorched-earth politics we need less of in Washington, not more.

Childers, on the other hand, has - until backed into a corner by Davis - run a campaign focused on the needs of the 1st District and his own desire and ability to bring together people of divergent viewpoints to build consensus. That's the historic Northeast Mississippi path to success, not division and bitterness based on a slavish allegiance to partisan ideology or a win-at-all-costs political mentality.Davis blasts Childers for being a Democrat, and lamely links him to national Democratic leaders. The larger issue in this race is who the better candidate is to represent the entire 1st District, and Childers wins in that category.

Mississippi congressmen, Democrats and Republicans, through the decades have excelled in representing our state by learning that pragmatic bipartisanship and collegiality is the best method on Capitol Hill. Were cooperation not the historic practice among our state's proportionately tiny delegation in the House and Senate, our senators and representatives could have been faceless, voiceless fractions in a very large picture. Reasoned bipartisanship is smart politics, and we believe Travis Childers effectively will practice it. Childers stands squarely in the mainstream of a long line of people who have ably represented our total 1st District region's interests in the U.S House.

We support his election.


  1. KUDOS to Daily Journal for recognizing the general public can see right through the smear tactics of the Davis Campaign.It is quite a shame that Mr. Davis doesn't feel he can place much less win on his own merits and therfore attacks a man of great integrity. These tactics are what will push Republicans to cross the party line and vote for the TRUE candidate. These tactics are an insult to our intelligence.

  2. "desire and ability to bring together people of divergent viewpoints to build consensus"

    We must work together to bring Mississippi forward. There is no reason Davis will work with the Democratic majority in any meaningful way, so there is no reason to believe that he will be effective for the district.

  3. Are we not all sick and tired of the dirty politics Davis' continues to use? I believe that it takes a man devoid of character and meaningful ideas to do what he has done to McCullough and is now doing to Childers.

    Childers is a man of integrity who has stayed away from this kind of thing. He has now been backed into a corner.I hope he will come out swinging, but with the same class he has shown throughout this campaign.

