Monday, April 28, 2008

Childers responds to Davis's race-baiting attack ad

Greg Davis in an act of desperation unleashed a vile attack ad on Travis Childers. According to Davis it is a negative to be associated with Barack Obama, make that future President Barack Obama. Because if you are associated with Obama, who did offer support by means of his tremendous grassroots machine to Childers, you are a follower of Reverend Wright. What a load of BS, and Mississippians are smarter than that Mr. Davis.

This is where Republican campaigns head when they are getting their ass kicked on the issues. The old Nixon strategy of divide the south on racial issues, while now expanded to include gays, immigrants, atheists, and gasp "libruls", is still alive and well in MS-01. The voters of north Mississippi want to hear about the economy, the war and other real issues not a bunch of attack ad baloney that has ZERO to do with the race or being a "librul". Davis had this to give the voters of north Mississippi as reason NOT to vote for his opponent (I doubt he can some up with a valid reason to vote for him.)

The Davis Campaign captured a screen image from Obama's website that can no longer be found. It says "Send a message to the nation by helping Democrat Travis Childers in his bid for Congress in the traditionally Republican 1st Congressional District. We need your help to call Barack supporters and remind them to vote for Travis Childers today."

"It's not below the belt. He took the endorsement," said Davis. "It's not just Obama. He gave John Kerry, one of the most liberal guys that ran for president, $2,000."

This strategy has worked well in the past for the GOP, so there is no surprise in the their return to it. There is a small problem with that strategy in today's political climate, IT DOES NOT WORK!! In fact if early returns have anything to say it is counter productive. LA-06, another GOP safe district, is primed to fall in to Democrat hands this Saturday. MS-01 will be delivered on May 13, when the voters of north Mississippi rise up and say "No more issue distracting BS!"

Today Childers had this to say about Greg Davis's ridiculous attack.

"To think that people would believe that I could be held accountable for Reverend Wright's comments that I do not approve of, quite frankly, is just about as truthful as everything that Greg Davis has said in this campaign," said Childers.

Childers does not need to be afraid of an Obama linkage. People are tired of this garbage and are ready for change. Obama did happen to win this state in a landslide and will be competitive in November.

Please donate to Childers for Congress.

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