Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Jeff Walters responds to ridiculous new Wicker ad

If you did not read the post below, Roger Wicker has a new negative campaign ad out that is not only reprehensible but a diversion from the topic at hand. We are in the middle of the most serious economic downturn of our lifetime. Voters want answers not false ads filled with stereotypes. Not only is the ad patently false (in what seems to be the GOP tactic of the moment), it is also offensive. One does not have to wait for the credits to know this ad did not come from the NRSC. Even the NRSC would not navigate the murky waters of this campaign ad.

Unemployment is up, as are home foreclosures in these uncertain times. Mississippi is hurting from the failed economic policies of the status quo. Free trade agreements have annihilated the once vibrant manufacturing sector of north Mississippi. Deregulation of our financial markets has resulted in a lot of Mississippians facing foreclosure. Times like these call for change not false attack ads based on the "culture war". Here we are less than three weeks from election day and Roger Wicker wants to talk about gays, guns and abortion. Is anyone fooled by this garbage?

I think Mississippians have had enough of this crap. Roger Wicker has voted with Bush as much as or more than just about anyone in Washington. He has voted for every free trade agreement. He has voted against raising the minimum wage while at the same time voting for his own pay raise nine times. He has voted against laws to regulate the subprime mortgage industry. Wicker has failed. We don't anymore of Wicker, we need change.

Notice in the ad he uses some characters that look the fell out of an audition for a new video of "Y.M.C.A.". This type of cultural stereotyping is not cool Roger. You may think it is politically expedient to make silly caricatures of gay people in you ads, but it makes our state look backwards.

Wicker is wrong on trade, wrong on the minimum wage and wrong on thinking Mississippians are dumb enough to fall for the "gays, guns, and abortion" thing again. Shame on you Roger Wicker.

Goal Thermometer


  1. Right, we're not going to fall for the "gays, guns, and abortion" thing again. And that's why Ronnie Musgrove's response was better. He talked about "abortion, gays, and guns." Come, on Roger Wicker - you've got to alphabetize your priorities. Geez.
