Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Daily Journal editorial on tax reform

An editorial in today's Daily Journal echoes some of the same sentiments as Jeff Walters. The Journal is concerned about our regressive tax structure. Like Jeff, the Journal wonders why a more aggressive approach to trimming the highly regressive sales tax did not make the recommendations of Gov. Barbour's Blue Ribbon Tax Study Commission. Like Jeff the Journal found the idea of increasing the exemption on income tax a foolish notion in light of the budget constraints we already face.

The whole idea of this tax study is backwards to start with. When determining tax policy, any fool in local, state, or federal government knows you first determine your needs, then align your tax structure accordingly. Who ever heard of figuring your taxes first then worrying about the budget?

The commission draft also provides an option of increasing the exemptions on income tax, which would affect all tax filers, whether single or married. That adjustment is preferable to eliminating a tax bracket, but great caution should be exercised before reducing any taxes in these tight budgetary times and with so many pressing state needs.


  1. I agree. Let's have a commission that determines what we need from government, then scrap all other parts of government, then reduce taxes to meet that cost.

  2. mking thinks it's strange that jeff walters is talking about himself in 3rd person. mking wonders if jeff walters is on the pre-veep/convention sauce? mking says, save some for denver

  3. Jeff thinks mking needs to tighten up.
