Friday, July 27, 2007

Charlie Ross at the Neshoba County Fair

I apologize for the shakiness of the video. I don't have a tripod. It's starting to look like a worthwhile investment. Throw me some change if you want to help with such expenses.

I missed the beginning (sorry) and cut off the end because I wanted to get this on youtube and they have a 10 minute limit. The video is 9 minutes and 59 seconds long. Enjoy.

Oh, and maybe you can answer why Charlie Ross always looks so angry in the comments. :)


  1. Because he would rather be "flying jets"?

    G-forces totally screwed up his ability to smile perhaps.

  2. Reasonably Prudent PersonJuly 27, 2007 at 1:00 PM

    walmart has tripods for video cameras, $19.9-29.95. I bought one for my digital video camera and it works great.

    You really ought to parlay your blog into some cash. I bet Eaves would put you on the payroll.

  3. I'll see if any of the campaigns are interested in advertising after the primaries. I do hope they'll help a brother out. :)

  4. Charlie Ross is so angry because he knows he is going to lose on August 7th!!!!
