Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Phil; You Really Shouldn't Have

Chairwoman of Mississippi Right to Life on their endorsement:
“Phil Bryant needs to get over the sour grapes and stop his attacks on the pro-life movement in Mississippi. The endorsement of our PAC for Charlie Ross is because Charlie Ross deserves our endorsement.

Charlie Ross has been a pro-life champion in the Mississippi State Senate for the last decade. Phil Bryant has not. The Lt. Governor serves as the leader of the State Senate. It is difficult to lead a legislative body that you have never even served in.

Charlie Ross has been leading his campaign with the pro-life message. Phil Bryant has not. Ross has run pro-life radio ads while Bryant failed to mention the unborn in direct media questioning about abortion.

Charlie Ross has an excellent pro-life agenda proposed for the future of our state. Phil Bryant does not. Ross has a specific plan to protect life, Bryant has proposed nothing. Actions speak louder than words.

Phil Bryant was never offered the endorsement in March, nor was it ever made available to him for a price. The Mississippi Right to Life PAC endorsement has never and will never be for sale. Charlie Ross is clearly the best pro-life candidate for the office of Lt. Governor and deserves pro-lifer’s support!”


  1. Gee, what a shock. Pretty Boy Phil started his early political career by being pro-abortion. My blog goes into extensive detail about how he was pro-abortion. Does one think Pro-Life Mississippi is stupid? They know a phony when they see one. Bryant is nothing but a pretty boy with a nice head of hair. He is an empty suit. On the other hand, Charlie Ross has been a pro-life advocate from the very start.

  2. Don't let the truth get in the way of your commentary. You Ross folks must be desperate.

  3. I have known Phil as long as I can remember. My father served on the Rankin County Republican Executive Committee. PHIL IS THE MOST ARDENTLY PRO-LIFE CANDIDATE I KNOW!!!!

    Maybe if you, John, knew Phil like you know baseball statistics, you would know better than to tell these lies about Phil.
