Sunday, July 29, 2007

Haley Barbour

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"Why yes, I Haley Barbour do lack taste and civility and will attack my opponent's family" (or something like that)


  1. Sounds kinda "Whiney" to me. Yeah, like a "Democlinton" could do better. You need to come "South", and see what Haley has done for the coast, before you start your attack on him. It could be worse....You could have a fine "Democlinton" like mayor Nagin who loves to get federal money...Your Money ... and still whine to the federal government that he needs MORE !!! We take care of our own in Mississippi....And that is Haley Barbour's Mississippi....see you at the polls....

  2. Well if I go any further south I'll have to swim to the islands. My home is in Ocean Springs and my mother spends a great deal of time in Long Beach.

    I'm not saying it's not better, I'm just saying it could have been done far better. Ask any realtor about the housing market. People can't get insurance so rebuilding is moving like molasses as fewer and fewer volunteers make their way to the Coast.
