Friday, July 27, 2007

Phil Brant At The Neshoba County Fair

Part 1:

Part 2:

If Bryant goes through with his "Marriage Summit" he may want to look into civil unions for he and Haley. Or maybe Haley would prefer Ross. Both appear to love Haley more than their own wives.

"I used to say that the best thing a dad can do for his children is to stay married to their momma ... now I say that the best thing a dad can do for his children if for him to marry their momma." (laughter) I wonder specifically what (or who) these folk were laughing at.


  1. Phil's right! We do need a better education system in Mississippi. Maybe that way, people--maybe even you--will know how to correctly use objective case pronouns. If you knew your grammar, you would say for "Haley and him", not for "he and Haley".

  2. I stand corrected. I hope elizabeth will excuse me for using more conversational English on the blog than I would use in professional writing. ;)
