Tuesday, July 24, 2007

John Eaves: a great "Dad" for Governor

This is a good spot. It introduces him with some humor and points out how much of a family man in a better way than many ads. Featuring his own kids I give this ad two thumbs up. :)


  1. “Dad”

    John Arthur: That’s our dad.

    Sterling: He’s running for Governor.

    All: And we want to help!

    Christian: Dad always stands up for what’s right.

    Brady: He took on the big oil companies to stop them from gouging people.

    John Arthur: And he’ll make insurance companies pay what they owe.

    Brady: We’re proud of him.

    Christian: He helps us with our homework.

    Sterling: Taught us how to hunt and fish.

    John Arthur: Dad takes Sunday off for church.

    Brady: And to spend time with us.

    Christian: He’s a great dad.

    Sterling: I just wish he didn’t make us get a haircut.

    Christian: John Eaves, a great dad for Governor!

  2. The kids are great, so cute. That he's a proud father i think will really help him connect with people, and it gets accross the same message as the other ad, that he shares Mississippi's values. A guy who takes Sundays off for God and his kids is someone Mississippi can relate to.

  3. I think this ad just tries to get across that he seems to have the right kind of priorities, don't the people who are going to be voting him put their families and their God before the big corporations?

    I'll be interested to see how all this ends up playing out.

  4. That whole ad is about the haircut line. Talk about appealing to the conservative folks. But it's completely unpandering. I'd run the ad just to get that line in.
