Monday, August 20, 2007

Mysterious 3rd Party Expenditure Helps George Dale

That's not a headline you read before the primary election, but you should have.

While Republicans were hyperventilating about Scruggs' PAC and its TV ads another third party group was doing it's part to do a number on Gary Anderson and his reputation.

Scruggs' excuse for his ad buy was that Gary Anderson was being buried financially. George Dale had been on TV far longer and with greater saturation and he felt that if people were able to hear the other side of the story they would make the right choice. He was demonized for it.

Those same Republicans somehow missed an insurance industry sponsored two-sided glossy direct mailing attacking Gary Anderson. It was mailed to 250,000 households.

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So while Republicans were crying Bloody Mary, their friends were doing the very same thing. Typical.


  1. You have to love the way they made Anderson's picture darker! Trying to appeal to racists is pretty low.

  2. I work for the State of Mississippi, and have done so for almost thirty years. Would you believe Michael Chaney came by the Mississippi Department of Insurance and said he's going to keep everything the same as it is. Nothing is going to change, he told them. I can't believe this man! We were hoping for a change! To finally be able to help the consumers of this great state and here this man tells George Dale that he's not going to change nothing. So the only thing changing is the name on the door. I hate politicians! Hate them! Thank goodness I retiring soon.
