Friday, December 21, 2007

Barbour Right; Hood Wrong

According to Haley Barbour, the election to replace U.S. Senator Trent Lott's open seat will be held Nov. 7, 2008. The only statewide-elected Democrat will have a big fight ahead of him.

From the Clarion Ledger:

Claiming executive authority under the U.S. and Mississippi constitutions, Gov. Haley Barbour stood firm Thursday that a special election to fill a vacancy created by U.S. Sen. Trent Lott will be held Nov. 4.

But Attorney General Jim Hood, who disputes the election's timing, says he'll turn to the courts as soon as next week to resolve the issue if the governor doesn't reconsider soon.


  1. Cute title.

    It should read Governor (R)/Secretary of State (D) right; AG (D) wrong

  2. I think Hood is right, but we shall see.
