Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Will Roger Wicker return the dirty money?

Hat Tip to the Senate Guru who runs a fantastic blog that covers all things related to the Senatorial elections. The website is a true resource for political junkies.

We already knew Roger Wicker likes to associate with such outstanding persons as Republican Senator's Larry Craig and David Vitter. Well let's just say here we go again.

News breaks today that Senator Ted Stevens from Alaska is indicted on seven counts of corruption and fraud by the U. S. Justice Department. Senator Ted Stevens also runs a PAC called the Northern Lights. Roger Wicker received a nice $5,000 check from Stevens.

Many other Republicans are already returning the dirty money as I write this. Will Roger Wicker show the good people of Mississippi that he does not want Ted Stevens dirty money? We already know he will take money from any special interest group with a checkbook.

This election is real simple. Do we want a Washington insider already bought and paid for, or a man with a proven track record of independent thinking like Ronnie Musgrove? I might not always agree with Ronnie, but I know he is not on special interest contract like Roger Wicker.


  1. Obviously Wicker should return the money, I think most other Republicans have...but the argument against Wicker would have more merit if Musgrove hadn't taken money from Dickie Scruggs, Paul Minor, and people related to the Beef Plant- or rather if he hadn't said he wasn't going to return it

  2. I just looked on Open Secrets and I don't see a single donation from any of the Scruggs, Richard, Diane or, Zach to the Musgrove campaign. I did see quite a few to John McCain and Joe Biden. Do you have any proof of your charge?

  3. Also whenever tainted money comes up on either side no one demands they return money from long ago (politically long ago) campaigns.

  4. I think you'd really enjoy this video of Ted Stevens' wiretapped phone call:

