Thursday, July 26, 2007

Mike Sumrall At The Neshoba County Fair

I apologize for missing the first 1/3rd of the speech. I started recording as soon as I got close enough. This was the first "Neshoba County Fair" speech I'd seen.

Mike Sumrall is the only candidate with experience running for State Auditor. He is a Democratic candidate for the open seat.


  1. He really is easily the most qualified and it is interesting that he saw where computers were going as soon as he did. He has my vote in the primary, though I doubt he'll be the nominee.

  2. You are so absolutely correct. He also will not use the post as a stepping stone for higher office like Pretty Boy Phil has. Mike worked 21 years for the DOA and did an excellent job. I have friends who work there and they tell me he was a classy guy. He richly deserves the nomination. Here's hoping he makes it.
