Thursday, July 26, 2007

A Note:

More videos and pictures will be added as I process them. I should get all of Wednesday's videos up today.


  1. perhaps you can post some photos of some of the younger Barbour supporters who stood off to the right side of the stage and acted like hooligans! Most appeared to young to vote, were dressed somewhat tacky, and obviously had little up-bringing and terrible manners! I wonder if they were PAID or just FORCED to be there!

  2. I didn't get any pictures of "Barbour" "hooligans." I will point out that Eaves people were far more respectful during the Barbour speech than Barbour people were during Eaves'.

  3. I witnessed myself Eaves supporters trying to input there signs in front of Barbour signs during Barbour's mini press conference after the speech. No such thing happened during Eaves speech, I also noticed that Eaves campaign was pretty much non-existent until mid morning on Thursday. What a great grassroots approach (yea right). I saw Barbour stickers on at least half of the people walking around the fairgrounds Thursday, I'd much rather where a Barbour sticker than one of those cheesy blue Eaves hats.

  4. Did you get the Ag Comm speaches?

  5. I'll get up the Ag. speeches today. Friday I thought 13 posts was enough. :)
