Monday, March 10, 2008

In Closing: Hillary (not the change we need) Himself (More than Hope)

He went into a 5 or so minute rebuttal/attack on Hillary Clinton

He closed with some standard Hope talk.

Video clips of both will follow shortly.


  1. All that sounds good, but the guy has not done one remarkable thing in the Senate. He has not even attempted to broker any difficult nonpartisan solution to any major problem. What makes anyone think he could do so as President? He is telling people what they want to hear and calling that heroic. There are people who do what he claims to do - who really do put aside partisanship and work on pragmatic solutions to serious concerns. Obama has not been one of them.

  2. I disagree, see this post from Daily Kos.

    sorry i don't know how to make it a link in a comment, copy and paste in to your web browser, peace

  3. He cosponsored popular bills that promoted popular causes. He added his name to dozens of items requested by Democratic-leaning interest groups. That is not a remarkable or heroic record.
    There is no heavy lifting on that list. There is no record of negotiating a difficult bipartisan or nonpartisan solution to a serious concern.

  4. Everyone in Congress introduces bills. Some introduce more than others and cosponsor everyone else's bills. Most on your list are not original ideas. His agenda is almost entirely borrowed from the standard Democratic party talking points. A lot of those are "me, too" bills copying someone else's initiatives.
    The question is what has he done to move solutions through the Senate? What laws would not have passed without his leadership? Telling people what they want to hear is much easier than actually accomplishing something. The message is that he is wonderful and you are wonderful for supporting him. Congratulations on that wonderful achievement.

  5. looks pretty good to me, I for one am not intersted in bipartisanship. I think with Obama on the top we win enough seats in the Senate to pass the legislation we want. But we shall see, and he certainly speaks of a new way of post-partisanship, but I think that is campaign talk for the general. This is my opinion not his. This country needs to be jerked to the left a good bit. We have drifted to the right since FDR, save for a few brief slowings of the process.

  6. So you're judging him on how he moves legislation through a 49-51 senate that is notorious for stalemates, rather than his future potential to bring this country together. Your arguments are rhetorical at best.

    “What laws would not have passed without his leadership?” Huh? How can anyone answer that?

    “The question is what has he done to move solutions through the Senate?” Other than a bipartisan approach, not much…what more would you like, “strong arm tactics, blackmail…?”

    Seems like you’re just looking for any reason to discount his candidacy, and that’s just the antitheses of what the American people want at this point.
