Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Jerry Falwell is Dead

I have never been a fan of the man as he is what I have heard termed "an agent of intolerance." But, as a Christian I feel it is appropriate to pray for his family and his soul as he goes before his maker. As a "Red Letter Christian" my values literally stem from WWJD? as I try to live my life as closely to his teachings as possible.

I have never been comfortable with the proximity of Christians and political power because it seems to almost always end with the corruption of good people. The concept of power corrupts is the same reason why I am cautious about allying myself with the "Religious Left" or even supporting it as a concept. I fear what political power could do to people like Rev. Jim Wallis and their mission to share the good news.

The AP Article


Cal Thomas speaks to some of what I was thinking in saying that "Falwell once told me that all the church can do is "put its thumb in the dike" because things are bound to get worse and worse in culture and society. That "prophecy" appears to be coming true. And it makes one wonder why he put so much time, effort and money into political organizing when with his other role as preacher he shared a message about a King and a Kingdom that was better able to change people for the better than either political party could ever hope to do."

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