Sunday, September 16, 2007

My Letter in the Clarion Ledger

Barbour's leadership didn't fix everything

In a recent letter ("Barbour's post-Katrina leadership shows," Sept. 9), Glenn L. McCullogh Jr. praised the governor's response to Hurricane Katrina. He gave Gov. Haley Barbour the "Holy Haley" treatment, saying Haley was like a "lighthouse beacon."

I must respectfully disagree, as:

- Our congressional delegation, led by then-Senate Appropriations Chairman Thad Cochran working in a bipartisan way, won us the reconstruction dollars we so desperately needed.

- The situation with thousands still living in FEMA trailers and neighborhoods still without life in communities like Biloxi and Gulfport is unacceptable.

- Some $1 billion disbursed isn't so impressive when you consider the additional $1 billion wasted.
As a citizen of our fine Gulf Coast, I can understand how folks from outside the Coast think everything is fixed, but the truth is it isn't, and we need help.

We won't get that help until we face the truth about our leadership.

John Leek

The Clarion Ledger picked the title: Barbour's leadership didn't fix everything


  1. or how about the money here vs. the money distributed?

    or how long it took what little has come out to arrive in people's hands.

    How about contracts awarded to former members of the Barbour staff that quit to create relief organizations when they had no such prior experience?

    or $600 million in CDDB funds aloted for affordable housing now going to Gulfport Port (which already has funding.

    People that love what Haley's done with Katrina weren't effected by Katrina. They live in Desoto County.

  2. Haley like a lighthouse? Perhaps in the phallic sense!
