Saturday, September 15, 2007

The Opposite of Poverty

I was reading elsewhere and the question came up "what is the opposite of poverty?"

Well, let me know what you think and I'll be sure to respond in the comments. (Including my own opinion later)


  1. I'd say omnipotence. What makes poverty poverty is not the lack of money; it's the lack of agency created by the lack of money. But no matter how much money you have, there's a limit to your agency--everyone dies, for example, no matter how much money they've got.

  2. I would say sustainability.

    What does everyone strive for if their impoverished? To survive. How do you do that? By having enough to sustain you and your own.

    The theory behind the absence of poverty is whats called "positive" society. Whereas you don't try to do the minimum, but aim for the maximum for all people.
