Tuesday, September 11, 2007

USM Dowdy - Herring Debate


Herring: There has always been an anti-war movement.
They were wrong when Hitler started and they are wrong now. (Yep, he brought up Hitler) "If we don't fight them here they're going to come back here." (Tired, old talking point)
If Democrats want to vote in Hilary Clinton or another "anti-war" candidate then they can. (Hillary Anti-war? Right.)

Dowdy: What did Iraq have to do with 9/11?
4,000 American lives have been lost. We've destabilized the region. Don't call Democrats naive.

1 comment:

  1. I just love your unfair bias toward Dowdy's ideas. The way you comment on Herrings but leave Dowdy's blank is just peachy, another example of liberal media bias.

    I hope you can detect the hint of sarcasm in that post.

    Take that back---the overwhelming tone of sarcasm not just the hint.
