Friday, March 7, 2008

Photos from JJH Dinner in Canton and Clinton Event in Hattiesburg

JJH Dinner In Canton:
PhotobucketToo Cute.

PhotobucketHey! Whatcha doin' with that sign?!

PhotobucketHillary Speaks at the JJH Dinner.

PhotobucketKelly Jacobs shows off one of her buttons.

Clinton Event In Hattiesburg:
She signs things!

*I'm having technical difficulties, but far more pictures and video should be available soon.


  1. Nice Pix. I have a good pic of me with the "all female" Hillary cheering section.

  2. Without a doubt, Barack just isn't ready. His run for presidency has been's not a natural process. His very short list of legislative and senatorial accomplishments is contrived; he was given credit for the work of others in order to cram some experience into 1 year of service. He has shown lack of judgement in the people he's associated himself with in both business (his advisors) and personal levels.

    In short, he is a politician and nothing more. He gives great speeches which is a major change from our current President. However, he is just too green for the job. This country is at a crossroads, and it is *not* the time to gamble on Barack and hope he will mature while in office into the person we all want him to be.
