Monday, March 10, 2008

Week in Review Delegate Style

Numbers from a post by Kos.

Since last Tuesday the following super delegates have pledged:

Obama (12)
DNC Carol Fowler (SC), 3-4-08
Mary Long (GA), 3-4-08
Roy LaVerne Brooks (TX), 3-4-08
Rhine McLin (OH), 3-5-08
DNC Jane Kidd (GA), 3-5-08
DNC Darlena Williams-Burnett (IL), 3-5-08
DNC Connie Thurman (IN), 3-6-08
Rep. Nick Rahall (WV), 3-6-08
DNC Teresa Benitez-Thompson (NV), 3-6-08
DNC Alexandra Gallardo-Rooker (CA), 3-7-08
Rep. Bill Foster (IL), 3-9-08
DNC Mary Jo Neville (OH), 3-9-08

Clinton (4)
Sen. Barbara Boxer (CA), 3-6-08
DNC Mona Mohib (DC), 3-6-08
DNC Aleita Huguenin (CA), 3-7-08
DNC Mary Lou Winters (LA), 3-8-08

Primary Results by Delegates

Obama Clinton
OH 66 ---- 75
RI 8 ----- 13
VT 9 ----- 6
TX 99 ---- 94
WY 7 ----- 5
Total 189 193


Obama ---- 201
Clinton ----197

Like Kos noted, a few more "bad" weeks for Obama like this and he can wrap up the nomination.

Yes we can!


  1. Also, there was a swing of 8 delegates in California from the final count: +4 Obama, -4 Clinton. So that shifts 'the week' even more into the Obama column

  2. I voted at the Trace Ridge Baptist Church in Ridgeland shortly after 7:00 a.m. There were about a dozen machines for GOP voters but only four machines for Democratic voters. A line was starting to form on the Democratic side. What determines how many machines each side gets?

  3. Mark, you are correct, I just did not want to make it too confusing. So for the week we are really:

    Obama 205
    Clinton 195
