Monday, June 9, 2008

Mitch Cohen at The Thorn Papers on the significance of the Obama - McCain Debate in Oxford

A short excerpt:
There's a thousand and one reasons that I support Barack Obama; his progressive vision, his brilliance, his palpable sincere compassion and conviction, his willingness to fight, the list goes on and on. But I've never wanted to see him president simply because he's an African-American. Not that I didn't see his candidacy in that historic light, it's just never been a defining reason for my support.

But that morning, realizing that he would be coming here, to Oxford Town, the first black man with a real shot at the presidency (and that shot's getting stronger and stronger as the days go on), to this University whose buildings are still pockmarked with 46 year old bullet holes from the Meredith riots....well, it knocked me for one hell of a loop. It's almost beyond my ability to put into words.

This man, this great man, will be coming here to close that circle once and for all.

The whole piece is worth a read so check it out here.

1 comment:

  1. You know what we need? We need Senator Obama to come speak at Neshoba. Talk about inverting the Reagan paradigm. Come on, Cottonmouth, make it happen!!
