Thursday, June 12, 2008

Senator Roger Wicker Voted No On Possible Solutions To Gas And Energy Prices

Roger Wicker voted against the Consumer-First Energy Act that would lower prices at the pump by addressing the root causes of record high gas prices, including rolling back tax breaks for big oil companies and investing in renewable energy. Wicker, who has taken almost $250,000 from the oil and gas companies, voted against the legislation despite the average price of gas in the United States having reached $4 per gallon.

Why did he vote against the bill?

Wicker Has Taken Almost $250,000 From Oil And Gas Industry. Since coming to Congress, Wicker has accepted $248,235 from oil and gas interests.

Jeff chronicled some of his other pro-oil/anti-consumer votes in this previous post.


  1. The flow of money is sickening. Great post!

  2. The energy solution you post about is no solution at all. Taxing the oil companies would only drive prices up. What’s to say those companies won’t compensate and raise the price.

    Typical Democrats want to tax and sue. Your Democratic leaders have to bright idea to sue OPEC. Yeah, that should do the trick. That makes a lot of sense. The only thing that can be done along with trying to find a cheaper way of making fuel efficient cars is drill, drill, drill.

    You can thank your most favorite President Clinton for the fuel prices. That 1994 bill he vetoed to drill in ANWR.

    There is non doubt that Congress as a whole has screwed us on the gas prices.

  3. How about reducing demand Chuck? ANWR would only represent a whopping 75 cents savings per barrel, according to the Department of Energy. It sure would make a lot of fat cats in oil business happy.

    DOE on ANWR

    If you want to hand out thanks look no further than Ronald Raygun, who tore down every alternative fuel and clean energy program started by Carter, who was way ahead of his time.

  4. Well Jeff, why dont you go out and start telling Americans what to drive, when they can drive, and how to drive and let me know what they tell you. Socialize it!! Thats what the Dems want to do to everything else.

    Not only is it a demand issue, its a security issue. At the drop of a hat the Middle East and just stop giving us oil. Its the most unstable part of the world and we depend on it to fuel our economy.

    Not just ANWR, but other sources. Coal to liquid, oil shale, natural gas. We have the largest coal reserves in the world, why not use them. While using these options put incentives on car manufactures to come up with more fuel efficient cars and do the same for oil companies, but with alternative energy sources.

  5. There are a lot of reasons not to drastically ramp of coal use. It's awful on pollution and destroys the landscape to extract it.

    Instead of paying people to poison, we should be funding technology that creates American jobs in a healthy (for us) and Creation friendly way.
