Monday, August 13, 2007

Sid Salter Interprets The Truth To Mean Something Completely Different

In a post on his blog Sid Salter supposedly explained why it was perfectly alright for Barbour to attack the Eaves family.

He equated the "Trophy Wife" swipe with attacks Eaves has supposedly made on "the Governor's mansion."

In Sid Salter's world if you say you intend to bring dignity "to the Governor's mansion" means that Eaves disapproves of Marsha Barbour. I think you'd have to agree with me in thinking that is quite a bit of a stretch. When Democrats attack "the White House" they aren't attacking Laura Bush and when Eaves makes reference to "the Governor's mansion" it's clear that his target is Haley.

In the comments at Salter's blog MagnoliaPeach listed 4 times that Salter had interchanged the terms "Governor's office" and "Governor's mansion."
“Republicans control the White House, both of Mississippi's seats in the GOP-controlled U.S. Senate, half of the state's seats in the GOP- controlled U.S. House of Representatives, the Governor's Mansion and a working majority of the Mississippi Senate.”
-Sid Salter, “Time for state GOP to put up or shut up,” 12/11/2005

“To his credit, House Speaker Billy McCoy, one who is allowed in the governor's star chamber of state spending, has called for allowing the public to view the deliberations. But no edict has issued from the Governor's Mansion allowing access.”
-Sid Salter, “NO CONSENSUS,” 5/6/2005

“A synchronized chorus of "NOs" on any new tax proposals can be heard reverberating from the state Capitol to the Governor's Mansion.”
-Sid Salter, “More taxes or less spending?,” 2/1/2004

“My guess is that no matter what happens in the Governor's Mansion or the Senate, new tort reforms in 2004 will be dead-on-arrival at McCoy's House.”
-Sid Salter, “New tort reforms DOA in the House,” 1/11/2004

Did Sid Salter imply that Mrs. Barbour was part of the "synchronized chorus" or any other such thing? No and neither did John Eaves when he directed critcism at Barbour and "the Governor's office."

When I challenged Salter to produce a single example of John Eaves "whine"ing about the incident as Salter alleged; his response was that it was being done through surrogates. I find that ridiculous because as he complains of surrogates he is himself acting as one for the Governor himself.

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