Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Bryant Opts For Media Attacks Over Public Debate

From a press release:
Democratic nominee for Lt. Governor Jamie Franks, today, accused Republican Phil Bryant of using the press to do his "cowardly bidding."

"For the past three weeks, Phil Bryant has issued press release after press release, distorting my words and mischaracterizing my statements. All toward the end of trying to use the media to promote his campaign platforms and agenda. All of this while trying to duck even one debate where we can meet face to face and discuss the issues man to man. There have been two debates in the governor's race, yet Phil continues to hide. His acts are cowardly and desperate," Franks said from a campaign stop in Gulfport where he signed the Mississippi Insurance Policyholders' Bill of Rights. "Phil Bryant is hiding behind his press secretary, Mick Bullock. How cowardly can he be?"

Franks said the most recent act of cowardice was Bullock's release from Bryant's headquarters quoting Franks as saying crime is not a "real issue." "Nothing can be further from the truth," Franks said. "I have authored bills and have a voting record in the House which both speak to my stance of being tough on crimes against children and the elderly, and being tough on drug crimes. If Phil Bryant wants to distort my record and my words, he should as least be brave enough to say it to my face in the forum of a debate, rather than hiding behind his press secretary. I am confident that the media will not be duped into promoting Phil Bryant's media war of words. I will debate him anywhere, anytime."

I have to commend Haley for actually debating. As others have pointed out Haley didn't have to debate, with few incumbents choosing to when they are perceived as ahead.

Charlie Ross was right to attack Bryant for failing to engage in debates accross this state. I doubt that Bryant is secure enough to debate someone who actually disagrees with him if he wouldn't even debate someone from his own party. I hope he cares enough for this state to do so though.

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