Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Al Hopkins Takes Advantage of Katrina Lawsuit While Accusing Hood of Doing Same

Al Hopkins, a Republican running for Attorney General, issued a press release attacking Hood for his handling of the case.

From the release:
Hood only files it now because he botched it the first time, causing Mississippians to get delays in their relief, and now he’s desperate to get headlines for the political race he is in. The people it hurts the most are those who’ve waited the longest for relief.

The case was thrown out the first time because it was too good to State Farm. You wouldn't know that from all the Republicans wailing that Hood is creating a bad business climate or even the ones that want him to let companies off the hook entirely.

Hopkins makes the argument that Hood isn't sticking it to State Farm enough which in the face of the public arguments and condemnations of "Activist AG Jim Hood" from most of his fellow Republicans rings hollow.


  1. It seems that our Mississippi republican politicians, those currently holding office and those that are seeking office, want it both ways on the insurance issues facing south MS post Katrina. Mr. Barbour, got nothing to say on the subject. His stooge, former MS economic development guru Mr. Speed, claims our present democrat AG Hood is chasing all the businesses out of the state by taking on big insurance. Now comes along this desperate clown Hopkins running for AG as a republican and he claims that AG Hood isn't doing enough to take on big insurance. Leave it to the Mississipppi republicans to be the only ones in the nation not to have their talking points down!

  2. It would help if Hood wasn't trying to extort them for $5 million for his office. I'm no fan of the insurance companies and I'm not going to defend them but Hood trying to get $5 million for his office from them doesn't make him look good either. Neither does a criminal prosecution for a contract dispute, which is what they are.

  3. I hardly think Al Hopkins is a desperate clown. Mr. Hopkins is going to do the right and fair thing for ALL the people of Mississippi, unlike our present AG.
