Saturday, June 30, 2007

Phil Bryant's First 4 TV Ad's

Bio Spot #1

Bio Spot #2

Illegal Immigration


1. It's odd to put them all out at once. He could get more free coverage if he staggered the placement. (Ex. Bio Spots launch on a Friday, Immigration on the next Monday, Testimonial on Thursday) This would generate more buzz and stories.

2. Same piano background music in all 4.

3. His name is repeated far more often in his ads than Charlie Ross' even though he has higher name ID. I'd say it's sound strategy.

1 comment:

  1. "for the right reasons"? What are the wrong reasons to support Charlie Ross? Last time I checked the substance of this race was that Phil was better on the stump and had better name ID than Charlie Ross. "Phil Bryant, because he's a show horse" Is this their argument? I'm very confused.
