Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Republicans Unintentionally Make Case For Quality Public School Investment

This was sent by fax to several Democratic campaigns. Though not official correspondence it is believed to have originated from the Barbour Campaign. Of course any other Republican familiar with the fax numbers of the Democratic campaigns could have done this, but I'd guess that's a rather small group.

Notice the spelling and punctuation errors. No one ever accused the Republican campaigns of being too classy.


  1. John

    You do realize that 285k Liberals in Mississippi voted for a man (Shawn O'Hara) who's plan for getting the state out of debt was 8,000 state owned snow cone stands.

    Now that's a public that is screaming for lessons in civics and accounting.

  2. I doubt many of those folks (or many of those voting for Pickering) actually knew who they were voting for.

    I do agree that civics and financial education are lacking in our schools.

    + So every single person who voted for O'Hara was liberal?

  3. Yet another reason to fully fund public education every year, not just in election years!

  4. They should probably look in to a moving service for some of their own... Richard White, Scottie Cuevas, Joey Hudson, Ralph Doxey, Shannon Walley, Gale Gregory... oh I almost forgot Charlie Ross.

  5. John

    If a person voted for Shawn O'Hara are either a liberal or mentally retarded, and possibly both.

  6. Jake on Shannon Walley, you realize he was a Democrat when elected, switched to the GOP and was defeated by the Republican he defeated to begin with now was running as a democrat. I know it's terribly confusing, but the bottom line Shannon Walley was a joke and had no business in Jackson weather a Republican or a Democrat.

  7. know those oh-so-classy Republicans
    "looser"? Seriously. A 3rd grader can spell "loser" correctly. That says alot about the people who sent those flyers out. I pity them.

  8. I am well aware of all the party switching. The point is, he wasn't there for his district- he was there for Governor Barbour.

    Bronwyn- what grade do people start learning the difference between "weather" and "whether"?
