Monday, June 25, 2007

I Oppose The Immigration Bill

There are many reasons to oppose the immigration bill being considered in the Senate right now. Here are a few of those reasons:

- It doesn't secure our borders.

- It doesn't give us a long term solution the the problems around immigration legal and illegal.

- It establishes a guaranteed lower class robbing those people of dignity and creating a permanent underclass.

- It does not provide a more streamlined and straightforward path to citizenship that is necessary.

- It will help destroy the last remaining skills training base this country has by farming out skilled labor jobs like carpentry by lowering wages and declaring that those jobs are now "jobs Americans won't do."

- It's a sham of a mockery of a mockery of a sham.

George Bush is wrong on this bill. Ted Kennedy is wrong on this bill. Trent Lott is wrong on this bill.

I'll end by quoting blogger "Trapper John" in saying "Mend it, or we're going to end it."

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