Monday, June 18, 2007

A Possible Explanation for Ross' Wait

Writing in The Sun Herald, Geoff Pender brings up an interesting point:
Some observers/campaign experts were surprised Ross didn't roll out some TV ads to get his name out by early May. But there may be a pragmatic reason: TV campaign ad prices have gone through the roof, probably because of the $10 million Haley Barbour and Ronnie Musgrove spent bashing each other across the dial in '03. A single good round of statewide TV-ad coverage now costs about $200,000.

The discounted rate for political ads doesn't kick in until about 45 days out, so apparently Ross has waited and kept raising money.
I have been rather confused as to why the man with more cash-on-hand would continue to wait to go on television and radio. Now we have a possible reason.

Pender also leaves the impression that Ross doesn't have anything to work with in the realm of possible attack ads:

It's unclear what that mud would be. I have reports of telephone polling to test what might stick. Apparently it was all over the map, asking people's view of Bryant's support of the defunct Partnership anti-smoking empire, or what they thought about Bryant's auditor office having money left over each year, despite saying it's underfunded. I just don't know if either would get much traction with voters. The poll apparently asked people what they thought about the state-funded beef-plant fiasco, but as auditor, Phil Bryant didn't vote to fund it. As a senator, Ross did.

Well if Pender can't find it we sure did:
Does Phil Bryant Deserve a Promotion?
Phil Bryant is ForAgainst Abortion
The Appearance of Impropriety

The Sun Herald Article


  1. Lets clarify the beef plant fiasco.

    That was stuffed into a conference comittee bill on other legislation. While the leadership knew about it as they are the ones that stuffed it in there without telling anyone (and then claimed later not to remember how it got in there), I think its a safe bet that most of the rank and file didn't know it was in there. You know how the game works if you want to get some shady legislation passed. I bet alot of the people who voted for it wouldn't have voted for it if they knew it was in the final bill.

    An politically astute person such as yourself is aware of how much mischief takes place in conference committee bills.

  2. Reasonably Prudent PersonJune 18, 2007 at 11:46 AM

    I like it. You Democratic hacks have figured out that Charlie is beatable, so you bash Phil.

    Please accept "Hack" as a compliment, I consider myself one most days.

  3. Well, all the folks who don't like Bryant have made it easy.

    If we got anything particularly juicy on Ross, I'd put it up without any hesitation.

  4. RPP,

    Actually, Charlie Ross has been bashed upon here quite a bit. He was lampooned because of the stupid things he said in his announcement speech, called out on his pandering crime plan, and been made out to be down right scary because of his complete inattention to the issue of public education.

    Cotton Mouth has always been an equal opportunity republican basher.

    -M. Arnold

  5. Seriously M. Arnold. Is it or is it not true that you used to work for Jamie Franks.

    Even people on the MS Black Caucus are saying that Jamie Franks is telling his supporters to vote for Charlie Ross because Jamie thinks he can beat Charlie and not Phil.
