Tuesday, June 5, 2007

A Note: Take 2

Our DINO (Democrat In Name Only) series has been postponed, but should be ready for posting by next week. I guess this is what I get for announcing something that I didn't have in hand.


  1. Hey, quality takes a little more time but is usually well worth the effort.

    On another topic, I was rooting around the archives over at MississippiPolitics and came across this amusing take using some of the quantifiable numbers that Bryant is using to sell himself, and overstate his accomplishments, to voters.

  2. Another funny comment two posts below the one I linked to above:

    "We need his [Bryant's] type of results expertise scouring the state budget for every fractional fraction of every fractional penny of savings he’s proven as Auditor he is capable of finding."

    Franks should have a field day if Bryant ends up the GOP nominee.

  3. Thanks.

    Those are some interesting comments. One of those was as long as an essay. Somebody had something to say.

    I'm curious how so much of the established alternative media like MississippiPolitics and Paul Gallo were made to dislike Ross. They are obviously taking sides.

    Thanks for the comments and the good links.
