Friday, May 16, 2008


John pretty much summed up my thoughts, but I would like to add one point. We had over 10,000 hits to the Cotton Mouth website on Tuesday, just slipping past our previous high. Thank you to all who visit Cotton Mouth regularly, we appreciate it.


  1. Reasonably Prudent PersonMay 17, 2008 at 6:09 PM

    This blog is fairly pro-Obama. Do you think a Hillary supporter blackballed you? Who does Casey Ann support?

  2. We have no idea what happened, which is why we are here fishing. We have no issue with Casey Ann.

  3. It was not a Hillary supporter. John Leek worked hard to find other writers to join the blog, and he (nor the rest of us) care if you're Hillary or Obama- as long as you're a Democrat.

    Kelly Jacobs, who posted on John's previous post on this and is a HUGE Clinton supporter (we have a video of her on the blog somewhere with all her Clinton buttons), is a huge supporter and recognizes our significance in the bigger political spectrum.

    We were blackballed because we're not pawns. We're going to talk about the good and the bad in order to (hopefully) create change in the Democratic party in Mississippi.

    There is no question that we need major change in our state party. Our defeat in the 2007 statewide elections was huge. Childers win was insprirational and important, but it's not enough. We still have the worst school system in the country, the poorest area in the country, and the most unhealthy citizens (to name a few).

    Mississippi needs a change!
