Wednesday, May 7, 2008

MS-01: George Will expresses concern

George Will: Will Republicans sing the Delta blues?

In 1928, when some Southern Democrats balked at voting for their party's presidential nominee, Al Smith, a Catholic, incensed party loyalists popularized the saying, "I'd vote for a yellow dog if he ran on the Democratic ticket." There are few white "yellow dog" Democrats left in the South, but many unshakable Democrats: 36 percent of Mississippians are African-American, the highest percentage of any state. Mississippi has the largest number of African-American elected officials, including 47 of 174 state legislators. If Obama becomes the Democratic nominee, stimulating African-American turnout, Musgrove's Senate candidacy could benefit, leading the national Democratic Party to open its wallet for him.

So, a Childers win on Tuesday would be a scary harbinger, and not only for House Republicans. Senate Republicans might have an unanticipated worry in an unlikely state.


  1. I think this is a concern with multiple conservatives. As usual, I enjoy reading George Will's position. Nice to see here, if only for the doom and gloom prediction. On to the White House....................................................

  2. George Will is an intellectual who I rarely agree with, but I like to read him. he makes me think real hard before I get mad. ;)
