Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Does Childers have a chance? Why Yes He Does!!

Our friends at Right of Missisippi were poking a little fun at us recently. Here is what they had to say,

Question: Does Travis Childers Have a Chance?

Answer: No

Someone over at DailyKos and our friends at Cottonmouth are really trying to sell a bill of goods that says Travis Childers has a chance in NE MS. They forget one important fact; Haley Barbour is the Governor of Mississippi, he made the Senate appointment and I hardly doubt that our good Governor would stand by and not put the full efforts of the MS GOP towards retaining this seat.

Plus everyone already knows that Travis Childers is a shady fellow, just look at who he hangs out with, using his office to make sweet-heart land deals. This is a very well known fact in Prentiss County.

In a year that might be good for Democrats nationwide, they better look somewhere else than here in Mississippi. We think Greg Davis has a pretty good shot at taking the election on the first ballot April 22nd.


ROM, says on their website that they are "96.8% correct on Mississippi Politics so far!!"
We here at Cotton Mouth are curious to what their new percentage is going to be?


  1. hey, nicely done blog you've built here. hope you're out tonight partying, Obama-style. Yup we can.

  2. Ah, the long-lost art of laughing last. Nicely done.

  3. by our calculation if this post from April 8th means that we actually called the race for davis. Which in all fairness I suppose that it does. We base our own rating on how far off we were from exact total, not from win/loss, since we never made an exact pick or we will guess from our earlier post that we presumed that Davis would have won by 50 plus 1 since he lost by 8 points our percentage to correct would now fall to 88.44% guess we better get back to the drawing board
