Friday, May 2, 2008

William Winter endorses Childers

Former governor and tireless advocate of public education, William Winter gave Travis Childers his endorsement yesterday. Winter made the endorsement during a visit to Childer's hometown of Booneville according to the Daily Journal.

Winter described Childers, whom he has known throughout Childers' public career and most of his life, as a "model public official."

"He knows the people's needs and has spent his life working for people in this district," Winter said. "This will give him a chance to extend his influence by going to the U.S. House of Representatives, where he will truly be the people's voice."

The governor's education priority also has been Childers' priority throughout his career, Winter said.

"We need Travis Childers to be a spokesman for education," he said.

William Winter was and is to this day, the most forward thinking governor we have ever had in Mississippi. This is a big endorsement.


  1. Has anyone heard Davis address an actual issue yet?

  2. It is more important to talk about Senator Obama and Rev. Wright than issues like the econoomy or the war. You obviously missed the memo.
